In university we have regular portfolio review sessions, to help us progress and get new ideas to help with our project. These sessions are usually with our lecturers or peers. However, this session was with external practitioners. I spoke to Harley Boothroyd and Emily Ryalls. It really helped to talk to people who have never seen my work before and get their opinions of my photographs.
Harley Boothroyd
First I spoke to Harley. She found my work interesting because she saw similarities in her own practice. I was really keen to hear her view point. Initially I explained my thought process behind my images and she suggested that because my project is about family archives I should utilise photos that are already on display in mine and my grandparents house. In the end we decided that using the frames in our houses instead of buying new ones would fit well with my theme. She gave me invaluable advice when deciding upon my exhibition and she showed me the best way to layout my work.
Emily Ryalls
I then spoke to Emily. She really liked how unique my work was and said it's nothing like she's seen before. After looking at my images she really liked the photos that were edits. For example :
At first she didn't realise one of them was an edit. She said this is such a unique idea and that I should look into making more of this work. Her suggestions for my exhibition were to have all edited photos on the wall, then all the originals in my photo box under the prints. I really liked this idea. However, I wont have enough time to do this for my final and I also do like how some of my images are less obvious recreations. Maybe in the future after university I will create more edits like this.